solution - meaning and definition. What is solution
Online Dictionary

What (who) is solution - definition

Solutions; Soln; Soln.; Solving; Resolvable; Resolvability; Irresolvable; Unresolvable; Solution (album); Solution (disambiguation)

1) to find a solution
2) to apply a solution
3) an easy; glib; ideal; ingenious; neat; satisfactory solution
4) a solution for, to (a solution to a problem)
5) a strong; weak solution
6) a saline solution
·noun A Crisis.
II. Solution ·noun release; deliverance; discharge.
III. Solution ·noun The termination of a disease; resolution.
IV. Solution ·noun The state of being dissolved or disintegrated; resolution; disintegration.
V. Solution ·noun A liquid medicine or preparation (usually aqueous) in which the solid ingredients are wholly soluble.
VI. Solution ·noun The act of separating the parts of any body, or the condition of undergoing a separation of parts; disruption; breach.
VII. Solution ·noun The act or process by which a body (whether solid, liquid, or gaseous) is absorbed into a liquid, and, remaining or becoming fluid, is diffused throughout the solvent; also, the product reulting from such absorption.
VIII. Solution ·noun The act of solving, or the state of being solved; the disentanglement of any intricate problem or difficult question; explanation; clearing up;
- used especially in mathematics, either of the process of solving an equation or problem, or the result of the process.
<jargon> A marketroid term for something he wants to sell you without bothering you with the often dizzying distinctions between hardware, software, services, applications, file formats, companies, brand names and {operating systems}. "Flash is a perfect image-streaming solution." "What is it?" "Um... about a thousand dollars." See also: technology. (1998-07-07)



Solution may refer to:

  • Solution (chemistry), a mixture where one substance is dissolved in another
  • Solution (equation), in mathematics
    • Numerical solution, in numerical analysis, approximate solutions within specified error bounds
  • Solution, in problem solving
  • Solution, in solution selling
Pronunciation examples for solution
1. solution.
Altruism _ Matthieu Ricard _ Talks at Google
2. solution.
Frank _ Barney Frank _ Talks at Google
3. solution?
InGenius _ Tina Seelig _ Talks at Google
4. solution.
Neither Ghost nor Machine _ Jeremy Sherman _ Talks at Google
5. solution.
Janelle Shane _ You Look Like a Thing and I Love You _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of solution
1. "The Army sounded like a good solution." Solution.
2. But "the solution is an African solution," he said.
3. But the proposed solution is not the only solution.
4. "The solution of arms is not a solution," he said.
5. PHIL GLENDENNING: The Government are considering reinstituting Nauru as a solution to deal with people from offshore, and quite frankly the Nauru solution is no solution at all.